SimTools Changelog

Version: SimTools3_RC20

Changed - SimTools startup re-parking changed back to only being used if your interface needs startup initialization, or if Parking Location settings are used, not all axis are centered. (This should fix problems experienced with the AMC controller)

Version: SimTools3_RC17

Fixed - A problem where SimTools would not auto detect the launch of some 64bit games.
Fixed - A problem where only interface #1 was re-parking when SimTools starts up. (all interfaces now work)

Version: SimTools3_RC14

Fixed - Video Ride Player - Drop Video Here - prompt would re-appear when returning from full screen.

Version: SimTools3_RC13

Fixed - an error caused by changing a profile when the game is running.

Version: SimTools3_RC11

Fixed - Cams without speed data available would cause the telemetry in the GoPro2VideoRide app to not be created.
Added - GoPro2VideoRide will now tell the user when no telemetry is found now in the source video.
Updated - The data scaling in the GoPro2VideoRide app now works correctly when no data is found for a given output.

Version: SimTools3_RC10

Added - The GoPro2VideoRide app is now included in the build.
Updated - Intensity filter corrected so it works with simulators with 360 roll or pitch.

Version: SimTools3_RC1

Here is the first Release Candidate build!
Fixed - arrow keys selecting which Max/Min file to edit after clicking capture on the Max/Min Tuning page.

Version: SimTools3_Beta120

Updated the capturing for Max/Min, Crash and Vibe to show changed values in a blue (Highlighted) color.

Version: SimTools3_Beta118

Updated - The Save and Reset buttons are no longer tied to the Capture button for Max/Min Tuning.
Updated - The Save and Reset buttons are no longer tied to the Capture button for Crash Tuning.
Updated - The Save and Reset buttons are no longer tied to the Capture button for Vibe High/Low Tuning.
Fixed - Save Buttons on axis assignment pages when running.
Fixed - Axis assignment 'Lock Screen' when running backdrop sometimes did not show correctly.
Added - Video Ride Player v3 support for Professional and Entertainment licenses.

Version: SimTools3_Beta106

Fixed - Axis Assignment save button not locking correctly when the game is run twice in a row.
Fixed - Possible wrong plugin loading after deleting a plugin.
Fixed - Switching profiles now properly turns off all auto profiling.
Fixed - Changing profiles when a game is running caused locked save buttons to be re-enabled.
Fixed - Folder selection missing file structure when installing the second game plugin in a row.
Fixed - Folder selection page scrolling only showing half of the last item in the list.

Version: SimTools3_Beta103

Fixed - Vibe now correctly uses a sin wav when selected. (not saw wav)
Fixed - Vibe now correctly uses a saw wav when selected. (not whatever was last selected)
Fixed - Volume Settings page of Vibe was not re-enabling some controls when needed.
Fixed - A circumstance where a possible profile loading error may occur.

Version: SimTools3_Beta100

Fixed - Registration popups

Version: SimTools3_Beta99

Fixed - a small error when parking speed is set to 1.

Version: SimTools3_Beta96

Fixed - Show proper parking location for axis when opening a virtual plugin.
Fixed - Loading axis plugins that have not been uploaded to the repo yet.
Fixed - Unique game ID launching (race vs race07 as an example)

Version: SimTools3_Beta86

Update - SimTools will now not startup interfaces, that do not require initialization, at startup if the parking location is not used.

Version: SimTools3_Beta85

Fixed - a small windows bug fix

Version: SimTools3_Beta84

Updated - if parking location is used, the interfaces will startup (when SimTools starts up), and be sent to the current parking location.
Updated - Setting the option to Start-with-Windows will now send SimTools to the systray on startup.
(if the Start-with-Windows option is already being used, then unselecting and reselecting the option again is required)

Version: SimTools3_Beta82

Finalized - Auto capture routines (for Max/Min and High/Low values) for Motion, Crash and Vibe.

Version: SimTools3_Beta81

Fixed - potential game plugin remove indexing problem.

Version: SimTools3_Beta80

Finalized - Game patching routines.
Finalized - Installing plugins routines.
Finalized - Auto detect game running routines.
Fixed - Max/Min Tuning sliders.
New - Virtual Output systray link.
New - SimTools v3 is now intelligent enough to restart itself when needed during a plugin installation.

Version: SimTools3_Beta74

Updated - 'Air' type plugins now default to Land (Runway) option on load.
(This is because the game plugins also default to Land (Runway) option on load)

Version: SimTools3_Beta73

New - Parking Location (slow startup) now used for Interface and Axes testing.

Version: SimTools3_Beta72

Fixed - Game Plugin re-patching fixed for the Ask update option.

Version: SimTools3_Beta70

Updated - Finalized the game patching routines.
Updated - Finalized the auto detect game running routines.

Version: SimTools3_Beta69

Updated - Finalized the virtual plugin Api.
Updated - All the virtual plugins for the new Api.
New - Virtual output dof names now get set when entering both vibe and dash sections too.
Fixed - A Dof naming problem for virtual plugins.
Fixed - Rejected virtual plugins do not load the last valid virtual plugins name to the drop list.
Fixed - Profiling type error (where it could use the last plugins type for the newly loaded one).
Fixed - Axis plugin bootup time fix.

Version: SimTools3_Beta67

Fixed - an indexing error that affected the repo setup button.
Fixed - an error that caused some repos to show up incorrectly or not at all.

Version: SimTools3_Beta65

Fixed - 3D location option not showing all the time for collision and chassis in vibe.

Version: SimTools3_Beta64

Fixed - SaveButton so the menu did not get stuck open if you hold the mouse button down and move away from the button.
Fixed – SaveButton menu did not show correctly the first time you select an axis plugin.
New - Entertainment licenses now look for a license renewal before expiring. if a renewal is found (and the pc is online), SimTools will auto re-register itself with the renewal license info.

Version: SimTools3_Beta62

Updated - Vibe's startup routine now checks to make sure the saved sound card is actually present on the running machine before startup.

Version: SimTools3_Beta61

A SimTools v3 Changelog is now available from the SimTools update page in v3.

Version: SimTools3_Beta60

Updated - Intensity Slider now has more top end.

Version: SimTools3_Beta59

Fixed - Profiling error when 2 plugins have the same game name var.
Fixed - Boundary filter reports it's value backwards to the gui.
Fixed - Setup plugin skips the sound card setup if dash is skipped.
Fixed - Toolkit updated to keep from double plugins being installed when a Setup plugin is used.
Fixed - Save and Load global/default buttons for dash and vibe.
Updated - The way skinning will works, with the ground work all laid out.
Updated - Main intensity filter now carries pretty much the same weight as in v2.
Updated - Game Vibe 'vibration tuning' page now allows for live tuning while testing.
Updated - Max/Min Sliders to keep values from zeroing or topping out.
New - Game Vibe 'vibration tuning' page now hides un-used sound cards, it also tells user to select a vibe when enabled.
New - Entertainment license data now hides itself after registration
New - Setup options when exporting a setup plugin.

Version: SimTools3_Beta48

Reg update - Nic Fix

Version: SimTools3_Beta47

New Vibe Testing

Version: SimTools3_Beta46

Prepar, fsx, mfs2020, required dll updates.

Version: SimTools3_Beta45

all axis plugins are now unselected should you remove all of the game plugins from v3.
(So they can be easily removed is wanted.)

Version: SimTools3_Beta44

Slider dll update

Version: SimTools3_Beta43

Slider fix #2

Version: SimTools3_Beta42

Update for the slider control

Version: SimTools3_Beta41

FSX dll files now included in build

Version: SimTools3_Beta40

Added - Vibe traction loss missing files

Version: SimTools3_Beta39

Added - Traction Loss Vibe Option

Version: SimTools3_Beta38

Added - Interface start errors to the error log.

Version: SimTools3_Beta37

Fixed - Offline Mode

Version: SimTools3_Beta35

Fixed - HotKey (all stop game running key)
Changed - Virtual Window now is not closed after a game.

Version: SimTools3_Beta34

Fixed - Ent License registration

Version: SimTools3_Beta33

Fixed - Auto Profiling from a name with illegal charters in the string.
Fixed - Created unique file during patching fixed

Version: SimTools3_Beta32

Fixed Virtual Output Axis Assignments 3

Version: SimTools3_Beta31

- Final Reg Fix
(There was no 29 and 30)

Version: SimTools3_Beta28

Added - Game plugin can now can have built in support for Packet Relaying to other apps. (the plugin needs to support it)
Added - 'Soft' page opening and closing added the virtual window and the packet relaying window too.
Fixed - Registration error that may cause a entertainment license to error.
Fixed - An error found in the banner update routine that caused 2 banners to download at every startup.
Fixed - Victual window now closes cleanly when exiting v3.
Updated - The game banner's pic menu with more functionality. (And now ready for skinning)
Updated - Packet relay and Dash's 3d output identifiers to the data pages for all game plugins.
Updated - Updated the simtools forms that may fix some scaling issues for some people.
Updated - Washout filter controls for the standard and advances axis plugins. (Works the same, but the settings make a lot more sense.)
Updated - Game patching so simtools detect the correct game when game plugins use the same 'process name' to detect the game as running.
Updated - The coffee I’m drinking to be a more efficient programmer.

Version: SimTools3_Beta27

Update for a missing control

Version: SimTools3_Beta26

Added - Export a Game Plugin - Name now has illegal char protection
Fixed - Plugin Manager's Banner scroll fix

Version: SimTools3_Beta25

Fixed - Searching for game startup when no game plugins are installed.

Version: SimTools3_Beta24

Fixed - GameDash output label fixed (index problem)

Version: SimTools3_Beta23

Fixed - Indexing problem in GameDash

Version: SimTools3_Beta22

Fixed - Memory Leak.
Fixed - Starting the game from the Motion - Max/Min, Dash, Vibe - Hi/Low page, will now correctly start the display of data.

Version: SimTools3_Beta21

Fixed - Auto Detect Launched Games - No Really - I think...

Version: SimTools3_Beta20

Fixed - Auto Detect Launched Games
Added - .url file type support for setting a games launch shortcut (this is steams default shortcut file type)

Version: SimTools3_Beta19

Added - Start with Windows
Added - Auto Detect a Launched Game
Both options have been added to the options page.

Version: SimTools3_Beta18

Added – We can now launch a game from the sub-menu of any game plugin
Changed - SimTools now starts and stops on the page you are on (making editing profiles a lot easier)

Version: SimTools3_Beta17

Fixed - DOF names not set when initially selecting an axis plugin
Fixed - Axis Assignments 3 was unable to not select a plugin once one was selected

Version: SimTools3_Beta16

Addons Installation Fixed.

Version: SimTools3_Beta15

Final Reg Update

Version: SimTools3_Beta14

Reg Update

Version: SimTools3_Beta13

Updated Registration for out of activation error.

Version: SimTools3_Beta12

Fixed - Out of activation's popup message.

Version: SimTools3_Beta11

Reg Test...

Version: SimTools3_Beta10

Reg Fix Test

Version: SimTools3_Beta9

- Possible Reg Fix
- Error Log Export (if can't write file it would crash, fixed)

Version: SimTools3_Beta8

Reg Update...

Version: SimTools3_Beta7

Minor Updates...

Version: SimTools3_Beta6

First Public Beta...

Version: SimTools3_Beta5

Added 'SpeedFans' output to the GamePlugins xml file.

Version: SimTools3_Beta4

Added - 3D Speed Fans

Version: SimTools3_Beta3

Removed testing msgbox's

Version: SimTools3_Beta2

Reg Fix

Version: SimTools3_Beta1